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Why does the breaker have pressure relief


Breaker pressure relief, also known as leakage, is one of the common failures of breakers. Once the breaker is released, it will not be able to establish system pressure, and will also cause environmental pollution, increase the downtime of breakers, reduce productivity, and increase production. Therefore, the leakage of the breaker should be controlled. The pressure relief will also be divided into several situations. The leakage of the breaker is mainly divided into the leakage at the fixed seal and the leakage at the moving seal. So why does pressure relief occur? Let's find out together:

1. Assembly factor.

The breaker should be prevented from brutal operation during assembly. Excessive force will cause the parts to deform. Before assembly, the parts should be carefully inspected. During assembly, the parts should be dipped in a little hydraulic oil and lightly pressed in. Diesel oil should be used for cleaning, especially the seal Rubber components such as rings, dust rings, O-rings, etc., if they are cleaned with gasoline, they will be easily aged, lose their original elasticity, and reduce the sealing function.

2. Parts damage.

The seal is made of oil-resistant rubber and other materials. After long-term use, aging, cracking, and damage will cause system leakage. If the parts are damaged by collision during the working process, the sealing components will be scratched, resulting in leakage.

3. Selection of seals.

The reliability of the breaker depends to a large extent on the design of the seal and the selection of the seal. Due to the unreasonable selection of the seal structure in the design, the selection of the seal does not conform to the standard, and the hydraulic oil and the sealing material are not considered in the design. Compatible types, load conditions, ultimate pressure, working speed, changes in ambient temperature, etc., will directly or indirectly cause hydraulic system leakage to varying degrees. It is necessary to choose a suitable dust seal to prevent dust and other contaminants from entering the system to contaminate the oil, damage the seal, and cause leakage.


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