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How to remove dust from a large breaker


Large breakers are very common in our daily lives. During use, the transportation of materials and the operation of the equipment will cause a large number of valve seat particles in the surrounding environment, causing damage to the equipment and operators. So in order to purify the air, how to remove dust from hammer crushing?

1. Scrubbing and dust removal

Let the gas come into contact with the spray water to catch the solids in the middle. The commonly used spray dust removal tower consists of lower gas and water spray from the upper part, and countercurrent washing. The dust removal effect of the washing pipe is better.

2. Inertial dust removal

Used for particle and gas separation above 5UM. When the dust-containing gas hits the baffle of the inertial dust collector in the deflection direction, the particles are adsorbed due to the inertial effect. In order to prevent the flying effect of impact and collision, too high speed cannot be used.

3. Electric dust removal

This method is to charge the solid particles in the gas and then attract them to the oppositely charged electrodes to achieve the purpose of dust removal for the large breaker. The electrostatic precipitator adds tens of thousands of volts of DC voltage between the metal discharge electrodes to ionize the gas between the north and south poles. When the negatively ionized gas collides with the solid particles, the solid particles are also negatively charged, attracted by the positive electrode, and precipitated after neutralization. This method is suitable for occasions with high dust removal requirements, but the dust concentration should not be too high, and the gas flow should not be too fast.

4. Centrifugal dust removal

Using centrifugal force hundreds to thousands of times greater than the gravity of the particles in the gas rotation, solid particles settle along the perimeter wall to achieve the purpose of dust removal for the large breaker. The equipment used for dust removal is a cyclone dust collector. Generally, the inlet speed is 10-20m/S, and the diameter of small particles that can be captured can reach 5UM or less.

5. Gravity dust removal

It can process coarse particles above 100UM, used for pretreatment of coarse dust and other dust removal. The operation method is to introduce dust-containing gas into a large-volume gravity settling tank, reduce the gas flow rate, and use gravity to separate the particles from the gas.

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