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Reasons for the high temperature of the breaker engine of the photovoltaic pile driver


Any equipment fails, and finding the cause of the failure becomes particularly important. After all, only "prescribe the right medicine" can solve the problem in a shorter time. The following editor will briefly introduce you a few that may cause photovoltaic piling The engine temperature of the machine breaker is too high.

1. The inside of the radiator is blocked

Pile drivers now rarely use water as a coolant, so the internal blockage of the radiator is relatively rare. However, some owners still like to use water, and the water contains a lot of minerals, it is easy to deposit and form scale in the radiator, affecting heat dissipation, resulting in high temperature. If there is no problem after other inspections, it is recommended to check whether there is scale blockage inside the breaker radiator of the photovoltaic pile driver. If there is a large amount of scale, you can go to the radiator repair shop for cleaning and dredging.

2. Wrong ignition time

In fact, after entering the electronic control era, the abnormal engine temperature caused by the ignition timing error has almost disappeared, but in some old engines that use mechanical pumps, the high temperature caused by the timing error still occurs from time to time.

3. The surface of the radiator is blocked

In many cases, the high temperature problem of the breaker of the photovoltaic pile driver is caused by the blockage of the radiator surface. In order to increase the heat dissipation area, the radiator is added between the thin tubes, but the gap between the radiators is relatively small, which is easy to be affected. Catkins, soil, wood chips, or insect corpses are clogged. Once blocked, there will be insufficient ventilation, reduced heat dissipation, etc. The result is that the engine coolant temperature is too high. It is also very simple to solve this problem, as long as the radiator is thoroughly cleaned, so that it can work well throughout the summer.

4. Fan clutch failure

I believe that everyone knows the role of the clutch, it plays a role in reducing the fan speed and energy consumption when the coolant temperature is not high, so as to achieve the purpose of fuel saving. But if it fails, the coolant is hot but the fan speed is very low, it will cause the engine of the photovoltaic pile driver to overheat.

5. Insufficient tightness of fan belt

Excessive engine temperature caused by insufficient fan belt tension is easy to identify. There will be a noticeable sense of relaxation when pressing by hand, or a squeaking sound when the belt is sliding when the fuel door is sliding, which indicates that the belt is not tight. Insufficient belt sealing will cause the fan and pump speed to be too low, and the cooling capacity will be seriously reduced, so the engine temperature is too high is inevitable.

The above are several reasons why the temperature of the breaker engine of the photovoltaic pile driver is too high. Of course, these are only the ones that appear more frequently. I hope they can help you.


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